This would be wonderful and I have no doubt you could not only do it, but you'd do it justice too. Is there any way to sneakily mention your Substack in the application, demonstrate that you could spread word about the Park, locally, nationally, and internationally? (I'd never heard of it, until the happy day I came across you here.)

As far as being good enough, art-wise, you are. Anyone who has seen your work would agree and, especially, anyone who has seen your art work alongside the pieces you write. After all, nature journalling isn't just pretty pictures!

I shall keep all my fingers and toes crossed for you. I suppose there must be an element of luck to such an application, after all.

You are definitely good enough (and I think you also know that, when the imposter syndrome doesn't shout so loudly!).

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🥹 Thank you so much for the encouragement and the crossed appendages (I’ll cross mine as soon as I finish all the submission pieces 😝). I did mention it in the narrative as one of the “outreach” activities, but you’re right, most people really don’t know this park. I didn’t until I moved here and I’ve been camping in national parks my whole life! Hoping it helps elevate the application... 🤞

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.. amen !

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It's so great you're applying--and sharing! A few years ago my motto for the year was "Think Bigger," and I applied for many things that would otherwise have seemed out of reach or that I would normally have talked myself out of, and had more success than expected. You'd be an amazing candidate for this. Good luck!

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Thank you so much! That is so great that you stretched into success. That's what I'm trying to do this year, too. Fingers crossed!

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